Alleging irregularities, people vandalise oil store near Koteshwor – See more at:

Kathmandu, December 14. People of Pepsi Cola (a place near Koteshwor) vandalised the Narayan C Oil Store alleging it of irregularities in the oil distribution process.
As per the rule, token distribution should start from number one.
But the oil store started distributing coupons numbered 300 and above, according to customers. Not only that, after distributing a total of 200 coupons, it told other two wheeler drivers to return, according to Sandip Parajuli, a local.
The store tried to make us return after distributing 200 tokens, Parajuli said, accusing the store of indulging in black marketing. Neither the Department of Commerece nor Police spoke against this irregularity, he said.
The store has received 4 KL petrol for distribution on Monday. It has to provide four litres of oil each to 1,000 two-wheelers.
After vandalism at the oil store, police have started collecting details of the two-wheelers kept close to the store for refuelling.