Villages without mobile phone connection

Ilam, April 23: People of some localities at Jirmaley village in the eastern part of the district are without mobile phone services for years.
Although communication service is available in most of the VDCs in the district, the Salakpur area here lacks the mobile phone service. Nepali mobile phone service is not available here and the locals have to rely on the Indian mobile phone.Ward Number 1, 2 and 3 of Jirmaley VDC lack the Nepali mobile service. “The three Wards are without mobile phone service. There is no reach of Nepali mobile phone service in these wards,” regretted Shamsher Rai, a local.
As a result, the locals are compelled to use the mobile phones of Indian companies, the network of which are also not much reliable. More than 350 households live in Salakpur.