Finance Minister assures businessmen of address to their problems

Kathmandu : Finance Minister Bishnu Poudel has said the government would try its best to address the demand the businessperson raised relating to the forthcoming budget.
Minister Poudel said this during a discussion at the Finance Ministry held with the office-bearers of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Nepal Chambers of Commerce, Nepal Overseas Import Association, and the FNCCI Nepalgunj and Chitwan Chapters on Thursday.
During the pre-budget discussion, the industrialists put forth various demands and drew ministry’s attention towards bolstering economic activities.
They also pointed out the need that government brought such programmes that addressed the problems raised after earthquakes and border blockade, to which they were ready to cooperate with.
Some of the issues they raised were amendment of old laws, addressing energy crisis, change in government perspective towards industries, relations between the business registration and government bodies, interpretation of laws/acts. They argued that as many as 36 laws relating to entrepreneurs and industry were in dire need of amendment.
Responding to these, Finance Minister Poudel said the government was for taking the private sectors into confidence to accomplish the grand campaign of nation building. Government is private sector friendly, he added.
“Present government is ready to cooperate with the private sector to bring in foreign investment,” he said, adding that government will not do anything afflicting the private sector. RSS