3rd Bangladesh Expo 2017 from 17th to 21st Jan

Preparation of Expo completed
DIL KUMAR, KATHAMANDU, Jan 13: Embassy of People’s Republic of Bangladesh is organizing 3rd Bangladesh Expo 2017 from 17th to 21st January at Exhibition Hall in Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu.
The 5 day-Expo will focus on introducing and familiarizing the wide variety of goods and products that are being manufactured and exported globally by Bangladesh to Nepali entrepreneurs and consumers with a view to further enhancing the existing excellent trade and business relations between Bangladesh and Nepal.
Thanking to the President of Reporters’ Club Nepal Rishi Dhamala for coordinating to organize press conference on Monday at Reporters’ Club Nepal, Ambassador of Bangladesh to Nepal Ms. Mashfee Binte Shams said, “All the big business houses, all the entrepreneurs of Bangladesh intended in exporting goods in Nepal will have an opportunity to introduce and familiarize their products in Nepali market. I hope this Expo will help promote and enhance the existing excellent trade and business relations between Nepal and Bangladesh.”
Selected Nepalese exporters have also been invited to feature with a view to promoting Nepalese exports to Bangladesh.
Stating that the preparation was complete, she added, “There will also be Nepali exhibiter showcasing their home products in the Expo which will also help Nepali goods to get introduced in Bangladesh market.”
The organizer claims that the 1st and 2nd expo held in 2015 and 2016 were huge success and has promised to continue carrying it annually.
The Expo, which is expecting about 60,000 visitors, is expected to create platform for exchange of information and ideas and provide an opportunity for entrepreneurs of the two countries to explore B-2-B linkages for harnessing the available synergies in the areas of trade and business for mutual benefit.
The expo will showcase products of entrepreneurs and renowned business houses from Bangladesh including Building and construction materials, Ready Made Garments, Sarees, Ladies dress, Plastic products, Cosmetics, Ceramics/tiles, Jute and Jute products, Leather products, Textiles, Footwear, TV/Freeze/Fan with other electronic items, Handicrafts, Generators/machineries, Processed food, IT Solutions, Education Institutions, Consumer products, Battries, Cement, Bathroom Fittings, Motercycle, Home Appliances, Jewelry etc.
The Embassy is being assisted by event management company U Turn, Bangladesh in collaboration of Synthesis Exhibitions and Events Pvt. Ltd, Nepal in organizing theExpo.
The Expo will be inaugurated by Mr. Deepak Bohra, Minister for Supplies Government of Nepal and Ambassador of Bangladesh to Nepal Ms. Mashfee Binte Shams at 11:30 pm on January 17.
The Expo will run from 10:00 am to 5 pm everyday for five days.