HIV infected people counted 305 in Palpa

PALPA, Jan 15: The number of HIV/AIDS infected people in Palpa distict has been increasing in Palpa for the past few years.
An organisation working in Palpa for the welfare of HIV infected people has reported that the number of HIV infected people in Palpa has reached 305. It was counted 243 in the year 2015.
Out of 305 total, 162 women and 143 men are found HIV positive. 182 people- that includes 80 men and 102 women- are taking antiretroviral drug regularly.
Team leader of Sakriya Sewa Samaj, which has been offering counselling and assistance program for the welfare of HIV/AIDS infected people in disrtict, Lilaraj Bhattarai said they have been running sample program in Kaseni and Gothadi VDC in Palpa district.
Program coordinator of Samaj, Laxmi Kunwar urged for changing the social perspective on treating HIV infected people in order to make it easier for them to come out in the public.