
“The FSU election cannot be postponed even 18 seconds later than the date March 1st”


KATHMANDU, Feb 26: Student Union’ Leaders associated with major Parties have objected the Tribhuwan University’s decision to postpone Free Student Union and asserted the FSU election must take place on March 1.

Speaking during an interaction program organized by the Reporters’ Club Nepal presided by Club’s President Rishi Dhamala today, Chairperson of All Nepal National Free Student Union Revolutionary (associated with Maoist center) Narendra Neupane highlighted the importance of Free Student Election (FSU) as the first step of implementation of constitution.

“The FSU election cannot be delayed even 18 seconds later than the date March 1 (Falgun 18).” He said.

He added, “Even if it needs breaking locks in the TU campuses or mobilizing the Police force- there is not stopping of FSU election now.”

ANNFSU Revolutionary (associated with Mohar Bidhya Kiran) Chairperson Semanta Raj Bhandari speaking during the program criticized the Madhes based student leaders’ move to object the election and added, “The FSU election must take place on March 1st across the country including Madhes.”

He also condemned the TU Campuses for illegally enrolling thousands of students on the eve of election and demanded cancellation of as such.

Purna Bahadur Singh, Chairperson of ANNFSU Revolutionary (associated with Biplap) speaking during the program denounced TU to have practiced the syndicate in TU senate. “Of 287 campuses, nominations have been registered in only 21 campuses, which have only created the environment of doubt among the students.”

Also, ANNFSU Central Chairperson Nabina Lama accused the student leaders of Nepal Student Union to have tried to disrupt the environment of election by padlocking campuses.

While, Saroj Thapa of Nepal Student Union claimed NSU was in favor of election that NSU was not involved in padlocking and creating havoc in campus surroundings except in Pashupati Campus.

“After we heard that some of our students had padlocked Pashupati Campus, we immediately instructed them to unlock them.” He added.

