Sisneri Diary! Travelling Addiction

I could wish for nothing more if only I could travel. I have developed special interest in meeting different people dwelling in various parts of the world. I love to hear their stories. Travelling creates occasions to see new places, experience noble environment and meet new people.
I always look forward to travelling opportunities. Ironically, I do not normally pre-plan a trip as, in my case, planning in advance mostly fails- so to say. If I had planned, perhaps I would never have visited Sisneri.
It was a sudden and unexpected plan. Every members of Baje mini-militia gang, set out for Sisneri trip, decided to gather at Maitaghar at 2 pm on Friday. Upendra always steps forward to host the group- whether it be waiting for friends at Maitighar or having lunch at Pharping he should always host.
Road to Sinseri is not bad for travelling during the monsoon. We reached Sisneri at around 5 pm in the afternoon. After booking a hotel, we went to observe the site. While others were talking about how to swim, I was busy thinking about making a video footage. We came back to hotel at 7 pm. After having dinner, most of our time was spent playing mini-militia and making jokes. Lot of fun indeed!
Next day, we went for a swim. While I was filming a green colored hut near the road, my brother called me. An old man was crossing the river. I hurried to take a photo of that old man crossing. I took some quick photographs but none could satisfy my thirst for extraordinary pictures. I asked the old man where he was heading. The old man replied that he was heading to the VDC to visit his ailing neighbor. It was obvious that it would take him nearly an hour to reach his destination because he, himself looked ill and could hardly walk. What could have inspired him to travel such distance to visit his sick relative!
We were happy to see the water clean. We were worried that the river could be overflowed and muddy because it had rained last night. None of us were great swimmers to dare jump anywhere in the river we liked. A fisher boy suggested us to walk some distance further up the river if we were looking for a shallow pond.
We swam to the fullest. And, I was never too late to capture the moments in my DSLR. It was already 3 pm when we were prepared to journey back home. We decided visit Kulekhali on our way back home to Kathmandu. The Army didn’t allow us to take photograph inside the camp area. I could feel a freezing wave running through my blood while looking at the wide calm lake of the Kulekhani dam.
The road was not black-topped. We arrived Kathmandu all covered in dust. We went to ‘Baje ko Pasal’ our favorite hangout hotel- Tea, Talks and Mini-militia of course! We stayed there until late evening enjoying mini-militia, which we never get tired of playing. Say we are kind of addicted to this game; like we are addicted to travelling and capturing the moments to the best. How great would it be if we could spend the entire life following our passion!
Photo Courtesy: Prashneel Nepal