Candidates in 45 districts allotted election symbols

KATHMANDU, Nov 5: The Offices of Chief Election Officer and Election Officers in 45 districts allocated election symbols on Sunday to the candidates for the second round of House of Representatives and State Assemblies elections. The second phase of the election is taking place in 45 districts on December 7 this year.
According to Election Commission spokesperson Nawaraj Dhakal, elections symbols were given to the eligible candidates who filed their candidacies on November 2 for 128 seats under the House of Representatives election and 256 seats towards the State Assemblies.
A total of 4, 747 candidacies were registered for the second round of elections and candidacies of two were revoked, four were scrapped while of 258 were withdrawn, as stated by the EC. However, the final list of the candidates getting the election symbols is awaited.