
Capital of Province 1 will be finalized soon: Chief Minister Rai

Province 1

PAANCHTHAR, May 7: Chief Minister Sherdhan Rai has said the name and the permanent capital of Province 1 will be finalized soon.

Chief Minister Rai said this at a press conference held at Phidim of Paanchthar on Monday. He said the name and the capital of the province will be determined through consensus.

Chief Minister Rai said that all should work for giving an impetus to the implementation of federalism, alleging that forces abhorring federalism of trying to weaken the province level.

Noting that the provinces were presently preparing to legislate many laws, he expressed the confidence that the people would get their federalism rights. He also vowed to break the tendency of delaying the public’s works.

Rai also said that the province would be made economically prosperous by promoting the private sector investment. RSS
