RSS presents provincial plans to Chief Minister Gurung

POKHARA, Aug 12: Chairman of the National News Agency (RSS), Harihar Adhikari ‘Shyamal’ on Sundaypresented RSS provincial plans as its structure and services before the Chief Minister of Gandaki Province, Prithvi Subba Gurung.
Chairman ‘Shyamal’, while meeting the Chief Minister at the latter’s official residence, reminded him that time has come for robust coordination between the provincial government and RSS in the changed constitutional set up with federal system. He further argued the RSS has been untiringly reporting, writing and disseminating the government’s policy and programs and the development activities, which would be made further effective.
Provincial government needs to be strong for strengthening federalism, said Chairman ‘Shyamal’, ensuring utmost help from RSS to this regard. The Chief Minister was further informed that RSS had planned to disseminate news in local languages as well. The RSS too had significant role on State building, added the RSS Chairman.
In response, Chief Minister Gurung said the Gandaki province would move ahead by establishing effective coordination with various sectors including media in the days ahead. It would be easy for the government to function smoothly after the allocation of resources and employee management were finalized and implemented, he added. RSS