Are our comrades heading toward fascism? asks Dr. Bhattarai

KATHMANDU, Sept 29: Chairman of the Federal Council of Samajbadi Party Nepal, Dr. Baburam Bhattarai has expressed concerns over the recent activity of the cadres of ruling Nepal Communist Party.
“Just because the Mandales (pro-panchayats) assaulted the democrats in the past (during the multiparty movements), the democrats should not suppress the elements having different opinions. In a democracy, the regressive forces should be controlled and punished as per the system–which is a key difference between democracy and despotism/fascism. Are our comrades heading toward fascism?” Bhattarai wrote on twitter.
His remark comes following the incident in which “the cadres of ruling Nepal Communist Party” allegedly attacked anti-corruption activist Gyanendra Shahi while he was returning to Kathmandu on a microbus from Chitwan.
Shahi was in Chitwan for “an anti-corruption campaign” when a group of unidentified youths broke into the stage, tore the banner, seized the mic and obstructed the function, according to reports.
After the program was obstructed, Shahi was returning to Kathmandu when he was attacked by the group of youths, whom many have claimed to be the cadres of ruling NCP.
However, it has not been revealed whether the attackers were the cadres of the ruling party.
Shahi was rescued by the Police and taken to the Chitwan Medical College for treatment. He was later transferred to the National Trauma Center in Kathmandu.
His condition is normal, according to the doctors.
The attack has been widely criticized by the main opposition party Nepali Congress and Sajha Party as “arrogance of the cadres ruling party”, “illegal”, and “attack on democracy”.
हिजो मण्डलेले लोकतन्त्रवादीलाई पिटे भनेर आज लोकतन्त्रवादीले भिन्न मत राख्नेलाई पिट्न मिल्दैन! लोकतन्त्रमा प्रतिगामीलाई पनि विधिसम्मत ढंगले नियन्त्रण वा दण्डित गर्नुपर्छ! निरंकुशता/फासिवाद र लोकतन्त्र बीचको मुख्य अन्तर यही हो!के हाम्रा कमरेडहरू सामाजिक फासिवादतिर उन्मुख भएकै हुन्?
— Baburam Bhattarai (@brb1954) September 29, 2019