
Kalapani and Lipulek disputes to be resolved via diplomatic channels, unilateral decision won’t be accepted: GoN

KATHMANDU, Nov 4: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a press release regarding the matter of Kapani and Lipulek shown as part of India in their new map.

In the press release, it states that the government has taken notice of what has transpired over the news in several media sources.

The Government of Nepal (GoN) is clear on its stance on the Kalapani region being an integral part of Nepal.

The Government of Nepal has delegated duties to the foreign secretary for technicalities and consult with the Indian counterpart through a committee to resolve the dispute.

The remaining disputes relating to the border will be concluded mutually, we are making it clear that any decision taken unilaterally will not be accepted by the Government of Nepal.

The Government of Nepal is committed to protecting its international borders, and the dispute between two nations will be resolved through diplomatic channels taking into consideration historical documents and evidence.

India had always put Kalapani and Lipulek inside their state of Uttrakhand. In the Nepali map, Kalapani and Lipulek are shown as an integral part of Nepal.

(Director-General of the Nepal Survey Department Prakash Joshi) 

Likewise, the Director-General(D-G) of the Nepal Survey Department has stated that there is no need to be concerned regarding India taking out a new map regarding Kalapani and Lipulek. D-G Prakash Joshi said this in an interview with senior journalist and President of the Reporters Club Rishi Dhamala in his program “Janata Janna Chahancha” (People want to know) aired in Prime Times.

Previous disputes have been resolved, and the current dispute regarding the borders will have a conclusive resolution by 2020. The current map shows what India has been showing in its map all these years. He said “the issue of Kalapani and Susta exists because we have not been able to technically resolve the existing dispute”

The GoN will move diplomatic channels forward and it is hoped that all pending border issues will be resolved soon.
