Dairy farming lucrative for returnee migrants
SYANGJA, NOV 7: Navaraj Hamal and Suresh Regmi from Putalibazaar municipality-3 Dadhua in Syangja district are into dairy farming. The duo earns over Nepalese rupees (NRs) 1.2 million per month. The duo who returned after working abroad for two years, registered Syangja Agro and Research Center and began livestock rearing with buffaloes said Hamal.
“Daily 490 liters of milk is produced in the farm,” he said, they sell the milk at NRs 98 per liter making a total of NRs 48020 per day. This milk is sold and distributed through Ranabhat milk and dairy.
The dairy business now fetches them a monthly income of over NRs 1.2 million said Hamal. “Two years ago when they registered their company they had invested over NRs 15 million, and to date the investment has gone up to over NRs 20.5 million. There is over 170 livestock on the farm.
They have used modern scientific methods to provide fodder for the livestock in an area of 12.5 acres growing napier grass.
Regmi was previously working in Japan and he saw an opportunity back home and returned. 32-year-old Hamal returned from Malaysia after working there for 5 years. The duo utilized their hard-earned savings for their motherland and is finally reaping the benefits with a good return on investments.
“There are numerous opportunities back home, but we overlook it and rush to get our passports. With the amount of effort, one puts abroad, if they utilize that in their land then it would be beneficial for them, our society and it would also be an achievement. That is why I advise the youngsters to look for opportunities back home. Our farm donated NRs 1.2 million to the Gandaki state. It is necessary to bring programs to engage the youth in Putalibazaar municipality and encourage them to work here “Hamal said.
“There are many businessmen who come from neighboring villages to observe the operations of the farm. We help and encourage them to get into the daily business and teach them the procedures on how to get started. It is gaining attention, while some have already begun to be involved in the dairy business said Hamal”.
(Source: RSS)