Grave danger of further proselytization, Omkar family unity a must: Former Minister Rana

KATHMANDU, Nov 12: Chairman of the Rashtriya Prajatantra Party Samyukta (National Democratic Party United) RPP (U) and former Minister Pashupati Sumsher Rana stated “the leaders took advantage of the people’s movement to forcibly make Nepal a secular nation”. Chairman Rana was speaking on the occasion of the RPP(U) releasing a press statement regarding their religious tour.
Starting on the 14th the RPP(U) will begin the religious awareness tour from Janakpurdham to Lumbini. The press release was held yesterday at the Reporters Club.
“There are approximately 84% Hindus in Nepal and this majority was not taken into consideration while declaring Nepal as a secular nation”. He spoke about how the only way to move forward protecting cultural identity and integrity that would also be inclusive for other religions and sects like Jains, Sikhs, and Buddhists are to unite under the Omkar Family and make Nepal a Hindu Nation”.
Rana also said that “it would be beneficial for both India and China, as the dangers of proselytization were at an increasing trend, and to maintain a social fabric it was necessary to have a Nation that would protect the cultural values of the people and provide them with a sense of unity”. The current government has to correct its crime committed to the larger section of the people.
They have a 2/3rd majority but are wasting the opportunity. It is with this in mind that we are starting the religious tour from the birthplace of Mother Sita in Janakpurdham to the birthplace of Lord Buddha.
The current government has not been able to perform to the level of satisfaction of the people. There is nothing substantive that has been done”. Speaking about the border issue Chair Rana said that the current government has to show diplomatic tenacity and portray skills in order to resolve the dispute.
The problem in Lipulek has been going on since the 1962 Sino-Indian war and the leaders have not been able to speak up, I do not think this government will too although it has maximum support and a majority in the parliament”.