Union signals continued padlocking of Kathmandu University

KATHMANDU: Dhulikhel based Kathmandu University (KU) protesters have signaled continued padlocking of the offices. Stating that their demands have not been met, the padlocking of offices that began on January 1st of the center Dean Office, Office of Control of Examination, Technical Teaching Center (TTC) and the main administration building would continue unabated.
The KU administration had announced an assembly requesting for the protesting KU Professors Association and the Employees’ union to be a part of the meeting where their demands would be discussed. Releasing a joint statement the Director of the Employee’s Union Surendra KC said, “until and unless our demands are not met and a decision not taken to that regard we will continue padlocking the offices”.
On January 1st organizing a joint press conference KU Professors Association and the Employee’s Union said that ” We had requested the Vice-Chancellor, Registrar and the Dean to implement the agreement, but they were not attentive toward our demands, and hence we had to take the step of padlocking the offices and going on strike”.
Numerous talks have failed in the past. The Union has said that the KU Act of 2048 is highly discriminatory and that it has to be addressed. There is financial corruption prevalent, and the KU Professors seek permanent employment, incentives, development of the institute, and equal working rules to be implemented by the University.
Dean of the School of Sciences and the Superintendent of KU Dr. Kanhaiya Jha said that ” work cannot progress of the offices continue to be padlocked. There are some drafts to be taken to the Senate meeting. Some demands are legitimate while some are unconstitutional, there is a delay due to mistrust on both sides”.
Dr. Vedmani Dahal the Chairman of the KU Professors Union said, “they have always avoided implementing agreements, and they always are deceptive in their tactics”. It is unlikely that the issues will be resolved although an assembly has been called to address grievances and sort out matters at hand.