KABUL: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Afghan President Hamid Karzai made a show of unity Monday, shortly after the U.S. military ceded control
PARIS: Paris police used tear gas and batons to fight crowds who pushed their way onto the landmark Champs-Elysees avenue and toward the presidential palace as part of a huge
BAGHDAD: Just days after the 10th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry confronted Baghdad for continuing to grant Iran access to its
Myanmar: The top U.N. envoy to Myanmar toured a central city wracked by the country’s worst Buddhist-Muslim violence this year, calling on the government to punish those responsible for a
BEIJING (AP) — Glamorous new first lady Peng Liyuan has emerged as Chinese diplomacy’s latest star, cutting a very different profile from her staid predecessors on her debut official visit
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Investigators have yet to pinpoint the culprit behind a synchronized cyberattack in South Korea last week. But in Seoul, the focus remains fixed on North
KARACHI (Reuters) – Pakistan’s former President, Pervez Musharraf, returned home on Sunday after nearly four years of self-imposed exile to contest elections despite the possibility of arrest and a threat
BANGKOK- A fire swept through a remote camp in northwestern Thailand for refugees from Myanmar, killing 36 and destroying hundreds of make-shift shelters, officials said on Sunday. The fire, which
PARIS: The death of a top al-Qaida-linked warlord in combat with French-led troops represents a victory in the battle against jihadists who had a stranglehold on northern Mali. But it
Myanmar: Myanmar’s army took control of a ruined central city on Saturday, imposing a tense calm after clashes between Buddhists and Muslims left piles of corpses in the streets and