CA election will instead foster conflict: Dhungana

Leading proponent of the civil society movement in Nepal and former Speaker Daman Nath Dhungana has been expressing dissatisfaction towards the ongoing preparations to hold second rung of Constituent Assembly (CA) elections by not bringing dissident political parties headed by the CPN Maoist, into confidence. He is of the opinion that the proposed CA elections will contribute in increasing conflict in the nation. Nepali Reporters’ Rishi Dhamala and Chitra Raj Bhandari recently took up issues surrounding the latest political developments. Excerpts:
Will there be CA election on November 19?
Well supporters of holding CA elections on the date have said that the elections will be held. The elections might be held but it does not seems to be providing an exit, as it ought to have.
Why cant it provide an exit?
To find an answer to this question we should retrace our courses of actions and factors behind it. We have been through conflict to peace. The erstwhile CA could not draft the constitution due to its stress on doing it through consensus. For the past one and half year, political course has maintained status quo and that too a consensual exit. Therefore the CA election, which is termed as an exit to the status quo, should be held in consensus. The credibility of a CA election held without consensus of providing resolution therefore is under serious question.
Are you supporting dissident political forces?
The state has lacked stance. Why did the state held dialogue with forces that were boycotting elections. And even if it did, why did it pull out of the negotiations without taking it to a logical conclusion? Who had directed to hold negotiations? It would have taken these groups as dissident forces unwilling to hold CA elections. The state seriously lacked clear policy.
CPN Maoist is warned of not being recognizing as a political force.
Its not an issue of who recognizes whom? We have also credibility through revolution. Each government tries to suppress and trample revolutionaries. It should suppress, if it can. And if it prevails in the suppression, it gets credibility and leads the nation into conflict.
So will this election provide exit to the nation or lead it into conflict?
There are no signs of the nation getting an outlet from conflict.
Parties have claimed elections will provide exit.
If their wish would count, than they would provided the constitution itself. If things were to happen as per their wishes, than the peace process would have been effectively concluded. What have they actually done so far, as they had promised? In my opinion, this election wont provide an outlet.
So who should strive for exit?
The President should have taken initiatives in that regard, but he couldnt. We should have taken, and we are doing it by expressing our opion in this matter. But no one is interested in listening to us. This situation would not have arosed, if they had tried to listen to us. These political party leaders dont want to listen to the opinions of the Nepal and Nepalese.
But the peace process has been concluded isnt it?
Peace process is not limited only to army, its also related to constitution. The nation is constitutionless for the past six years. Even the interim constitution has been tatterred with numerous revisions.
Isnt the CA necessary to draft the new constitution?
First of all, factors detering the first CA from drafting the constitution, should have been discussed. Its not an necessity to take the same course, after it had failed to do so in the first instance itself. Where is the discusions held on those shortcomings.
But this time around parties have promised to draft constitution within six months?
They had made the same promise earlier also.
Will the citizen take part in the elections?
Holding the CA elections and securing participation of the general public is not the only concern here. If election was sufficient then there would have no necessity for national consensus and reconcillation. This election is being held by boycotting not only Baidya ( ref to CPN Maoist Chairman Mohan Baidya) but many forces who are in favor finding a outlet. This is an election that will take the nation into conflict.
It means this is not an election desired by the Nepalese?
Nepali faces are holding this election, Nepali will cast votes, Nepali will win and Nepali will enter CA, but that wont resolve Nepal’s problem. This is an election held by politicians in alluring promises of getting into power. First of all peace process should be implemented as per international norms. Truth and Reconcilliation Commission and other transitional justice mechanisms have not been formed and war crimes still remained untried. They cant implement proceedings of the peace process, they cant draft the constitution, does talking about outlet is the only they can do? Nepali people are in favor of elections but not an elections held without consensus.
So who forced parties to hold the elections?
They are holding CA elections to cover their own mistakes. They failed to keep their promises made to the public and the present initiative is an attempt on their part to cover up all those unfulfilled promises. How could it be wrong to ask for a round table conference at a time when there is a dire need of consensus. Every nation that passed through conflict has organized round table conferences.
But round table conferences have delivered outlet?
It should be convened in a way that can provide outlet. Otherwise a modality that promises outlet should be opted.
Are you asserting that outlet cannot be gained by boycotting CPN Maoist?
CPN Maoist is symbol that represents one of the active forces from the conflict. General people like me think that this election will infuriate conflict.
So is there an alternative to election?
Yes, there is. The only alternative is to hold CA elections in consensus through dialogue. If held otherwise, it will fuel conflict instead of providing outlet.
But political parties did try to bring CPN Maoist on board?
They havent made any efforts. The negotiations were never focused on bringing them on board. Nation cannot be held hostage to retain Khilaraj Regmi as Chief Justice. One cannot remain a democrat and keep a single person as the chief justice and prime minister. This was not a Nepali agenda. I dont want to accuse any of our friendly nations, as rumored. Nepalese politicians failed to provide resolution to the situation, if they had done the CPN Maoist would have also supported it.
Can an independent person like you should support any political party?
Yes, I do. Why shouldnt I? I have always come through party system. And here I am expressing my opinion on an issue. I supported the CA but now i am against it because it cant provide outlet. Media has also failed to remain neutral. This condition would have never arosed, if the media had given appropriate attention to this issue.
Can Khilaraj’s resignation from Chief Justice provide outlet?
It would have been better if he had resigned. He is himself a person who respects rule of law. He should have known that he cannot hold both executive posts in a democratic set up. He should have denied the proposal. His positioning as the CJ and PM, sabotaged democracy in the nation. The present elections are being held to this new breed of democracy. It should be averted, its an effort to find outlet through conflict.
Can the Maoist still be brought to elections?
Negotiations should be held and earnest efforts should be made to bring it on board. It has been kept out of the mainstream for political benefits. Primarily the UCPN Maoist is fulfilling its own purposes by doing so. And other political parties are supporting it blindly. All political parties should stand as equal stakeholders of peace process and move ahead in consensus.
The Maoists have already started confrontation?
Nation has been entangled in differences of both Maoist parties. In the past the Maoist had pushed the nation into conflict and today their differences are pushing it another conflict. Other political parties have remained silent spectators in allure of getting into power. The nation has lost its credibility due to this existing state of affairs. However I am still in favor of the CPN Maoist boycotting CA elections in peaceful manner. They should not restaint anyone from using their rights to vote.