Speaker Nembang ruled out

Kathmandu, July 30. Speaker Subas Chandra Nembang on Wednesday ruled the government to inform the Parliament about health condition of Nandra Prasad and Ganga Maya Adhikari. Adhikari who are staging a fast-unto-death for last 278 days.
Speaker Nembang issued a ruling at today’s House meeting that the government give details of health condition of the ailing couple., responding to the to demands of various lawmakers demanding that those involved in murder of their son Krishna Prasad 10 years ago in Chitwan be brought into book, the elderly couple is staging a hunger strike at the Bir Hospital for more than nine months.
The House also urged the government to immediately manage treatment for Adhikaris and fulfill its responsibility of saving its citizens from death. Lawmakers from different political parties had demanded that the government immediately take needful actions to save lives of the couple. Krishna Prasad was killed on June 6, 2004 by Maoist members in Chitwan when he was there to visit his grandparents.