
Tag: Election of Province Assembly

Big parties univocal on holding elections on slated date


The major three political parties have been univocal on holding the upcoming election of House of Representatives and of Provincial assemblies on the announced dates.

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181,000 voters in Palpa

A total of 181,246 voters are eligible to cast their votes in Palpa in upcoming election to the House of Representatives and State Assemblies to be held on November 26

Election Commission, Chief Election Commissioner Dr Ayodhee Prasad Yadav,
CEC Yadav urges not to harbor doubt on timely election

Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Dr Ayodhee Prasad Yadav has urged the government and political parties to move ahead by forging a high-level consensus as the election friendly environment was created

Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Yagya Bahadur Thapa
November 26 election might be deferred: Law Minister Thapa

Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Yagya Bahadur Thapa has said that said that there are chances that the date of the first stage of the upcoming elections of

Leader Nepal insists on leftist alliance

CPN-UML leader Madhav Kumar Nepal has insisted on the need of an alliance among the leftists in the upcoming elections to the House of Representatives and State Assemblies. 

Election Commission, ballot papers for FPTP election
Election program announced for House of Representatives and Provincial Assembly

The Election Commission has announced the election program for the election to the House of Representatives and to the Provincial Assembly scheduled for November 21 and December 7 respectively. 

Election Commission, ballot papers for FPTP election
Election Commission calls for applications from poll observers

The Election Commission has called for applications from the international organizations, community and individuals interested in observing the election to the House of Representatives and the State Assemblies slated for

Supreme Court, Election Commission, Election of House of Representatives and Province Assembly
EC sets Sept 10-12 as deadline to apply for PR electoral system

The Election Commission (EC) has issued a notice, asking the political parties wishing to take part in the proportional representation (PR) electoral system during the upcoming elections of the House

Election Commission, ballot papers for FPTP election
EC registers 87 parties and allocates election symbols

The Election Commission has registered and allocated election symbols to 87 different political parties for the purpose of the election to the members of the House of Representatives and the

Election Commission, ballot papers for FPTP election
EC seeks complete enforcement of election code of conduct

KATHMANDU, Sept 4: The Election Commission (EC) has urged all the bodies concerned to fully abide by the election code of conduct that has come into effect since August 30.